No False Solutions PA

No False Solutions is a coalition of advocacy groups and concerned residents of Pennsylvania and other states in our region affected by the oil and gas industry. Our goal is to educate and inform legislators and decision makers about emerging technologies that claim to be solutions to the climate crisis but in fact exacerbate the climate crisis, damage the environment, and/or harm public health and do not offer more effective or economically viable solutions than those offered by renewable energy and renewable energy storage technologies.

Statement regarding emerging technologies that represent false solutions to the climate crisis

A report compiled by No False Solutions, a coalition of advocacy groups and
concerned residents of Pennsylvania and other states in our region affected by the oil and gas industry, to educate and inform legislators and decision
makers about emerging technologies that claim to be solutions to the climate
crisis but in fact exacerbate the climate crisis, damage the environment,
and/or harm public health and do not offer more effective or economically
viable solutions than those offered by renewable energy and renewable energy storage technologies.

Coalition members Sandy Field and Karen Elias co-authored the report. Jason Hallmark created the graphics.