Senator Casey Does Not Speak for PA Communities on Hydrogen 

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Statement by the No False Solutions PA Coalition


Contact: Karen Feridun, No False Solutions PA Coalition, 610-678-7726,

Senator Casey Does Not Speak for PA Communities on Hydrogen 

Statement by The No False Solutions PA Coalition

Pennsylvania: Senator Bob Casey claims in a letter he sent to President Biden today that communities are “enthusiastically preparing for the new jobs, economic growth, and decarbonization opportunities that will accompany the new hydrogen economy.” If he had attended any of the listening sessions the Department of Energy’s Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations conducted in recent weeks, he would know that the overwhelming majority of speakers oppose the development of a hydrogen economy and the ARCH2 and MACH2 hydrogen hubs upon which it would be built. The hubs that include Pennsylvania were the only two of the seven proposed hubs across the nation that warranted additional sessions because so many people wanted a chance to express their concerns.

That sentence in Casey’s letter puts companies, utilities, and labor unions ahead of communities, just as Senator Casey does in practice. Later in the letter, Senator Casey is more straightforward about who he is aligned with when he urges Biden to “heed the voices in labor and the hydrogen industry who are asking [his] administration to correct its approach to the hydrogen production tax credit.” 

We urge Senator Casey to correct his approach by heeding the voices of the people he was elected to serve who have suffered at the hands of a dirty and dangerous energy industry for generations. Last-century energy players are using hydrogen and other false climate solutions in an attempt to create new markets for dirty fuels while delaying action on the climate crisis they created. We call on Senator Casey to break with energy’s bad actors.

No False Solutions is a coalition of advocacy groups and concerned residents of Pennsylvania and other states in our region affected by the oil and gas industry. The group aims to educate and inform legislators and decision makers about emerging technologies that claim to be solutions to the climate crisis but in fact exacerbate the climate crisis, damage the environment, and/or harm public health and do not offer more effective or economically viable solutions than those offered by renewable energy and renewable energy storage technologies.


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